In the previous post Processing Azure EventGrid events with NServiceBus, I showed how to process custom events emitted to EventGrid using NServiceBus.
In this post, I’ll focus on events emitted by EventGrid for Azure services such as Blob Storage and Resources. Note that there are other Azure resource providers that can raise EventGrid events which could be processed in the same manner.
To make processing simpler, I’ve extracted the logic for message conversion and contracts into its package, NServiceBus.AzureEventGrid.StorageQueues.
To enable EventGrid message processing, NServiceBus endpoint configured to use Azure Storage Queues transport should invoke the following configuration API:
var transport = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<AzureStorageQueueTransport>();
What Services support EventGrids events?
- Resource Groups
- Azure Subscriptions
- Blob Storage
- Service Bus
- Event Hubs
- IoT Hubs
- Media Services
- Container Registry
Subscribing to Storage Blob events
storageid=$(az storage account show --name eventgridasq --resource-group EventGrid-ASQ-RG --query id --output tsv)
Note: this is Bash script. For Windows AZ CLI the syntax is slightly different, $storageid=(az storage...)
az eventgrid event-subscription create \
--resource-id $storageid \
--name asq-blob-subscription \
--endpoint-type storagequeue \
--endpoint $queueid
Azure Event Grid event schema for Blob storage defined here is defined in the package mentioned above and can be subscribed to using the standard NServiceBus syntax. Below is an example of handling Storage Blob Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated
public class BlobCreatedHandler : IHandleMessages<BlobCreated>
static ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger<BlobCreated>();
public Task Handle(BlobCreated message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
log.Info($"EventGrid.eventType: {context.MessageHeaders[Headers.EnclosedMessageTypes]}");
log.Info($"URL: {message.Url}");
log.Info($"API: {message.Api}");
log.Info($"BlobType: {message.BlobType}");
log.Info($"ContentType: {message.ContentType}");
log.Info($"ContentLength: {message.ContentLength}");
return Task.CompletedTask;
Creating a blob with “This is a test.” content
will produce the following output:
2018-07-14 11:24:25.560 INFO Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated URL:
2018-07-14 11:24:25.585 INFO Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated API: PutBlob
2018-07-14 11:24:25.592 INFO Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated BlobType: BlockBlob
2018-07-14 11:24:25.598 INFO Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated ContentType: text/plain
2018-07-14 11:24:25.602 INFO Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated ContentLength: 15
Update the blob with an additional character will cause BlobCreated
event to fire again with an updated length:
2018-07-14 11:25:40.547 INFO Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated URL:
2018-07-14 11:25:40.556 INFO Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated API: PutBlob
2018-07-14 11:25:40.562 INFO Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated BlobType: BlockBlob
2018-07-14 11:25:40.569 INFO Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated ContentType: text/plain
2018-07-14 11:25:40.576 INFO Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated ContentLength: 16
Once a blob is deleted, Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted
will be fired
2018-07-14 11:33:21.228 INFO BlobDeletedHandler URL:
2018-07-14 11:33:21.234 INFO BlobDeletedHandler API: DeleteBlob
2018-07-14 11:33:21.238 INFO BlobDeletedHandler BlobType: BlockBlob
2018-07-14 11:33:21.242 INFO BlobDeletedHandler ContentType: text/plain
Processing Resource Group events
storageid=$(az storage account show --name eventgridasq --resource-group EventGrid-ASQ-RG --query id --output tsv)
az eventgrid event-subscription create \
--resource-group EventGrid-ASQ-RG \
--name rg-subscription \
--endpoint-type storagequeue \
--endpoint $queueid
The devil is in details
Every service has nuances associated with the events it emits. Look into documentation to understand how those generated. For example, Service Bus will emit events per entity until there’s an active receiver or no receive operation happened for two minutes as per documentation.
What if a service doesn’t expose EventGrid events?
If you’d like to see more Azure services to emit EventGrid events, raise your request with the appropriate product groups responsible for the services you’re interested in.
EventGrid offers a powerful event-driven ability. It’s still very new and as with anything new has a few rough edges. As time goes and more services are onboard, EventGrid will become a vital fabric of many Azure-based solutions. And potentially beyond Azure as well. The code is available on GitHub.